Host React App on Heroku

. Copy HTTPS url and type git clone and your url on vs code terminal. See below for example
git clone

. cd into your repository
cd host-react-heroku
2. Create React App
npx create-react-app heroku-test-react
3. Push to master
git add .git commit -m "created react app"git push
4. Create Heroku app and connect Git Hub
. Create new app on the top right.

. Sign in to Git Hub and connect your repository that we just created.

. Hit Deploy branch and it will deploy master branch on Heroku. This can take a few minutes. If you get a error your first time give it a few minutes and try it a second time and it should be running.

5. Visit your new React App
If you would like a walk through on how to set this up please visit the link below he goes in to further detail if you have any questions.